Monday, December 26, 2011

The downside of being Green...

When I started this blog I had promised to be completely honest about any problems I might find with being 'Green'.  I expected a lot more challenges then what I have actually found, but the biggest challenge was the least expected. 

For Christmas I received many wonderful items, most of them were needed and/or 'Green'.  So that was not a problem.  Both my mom and mother-in-law sent me wonderful gifts that were very 'Green'.  I got lots of yarn and I am so excited to use it and I won't have to buy yarn for awhile, which keeps more green in my pocket =). 

The biggest problem I found that we had was, of all things, with Wal-Mart gift cards.  Greg and I decided not to use them all on just food, we thought we should get something nice for ourselves.  So we walked through Wal-Mart and every signal item we came across we would look at it and say, 'No, I don't really need it', 'Waste of space', 'I could find a used one at Goodwill or online', 'I could make one' and so on....

We did not buy a thing that night.  I don't know when this all started because a few years ago I was able to blow through gift cards in no time.  I wonder...has this has happened to anyone else, and how have you handled it?  The best idea we could come up with was using Wal-Mart gift cards to buy gift cards to other places where there were things we did need/want/could use...but that almost makes us feel, oh, I don't know...evil?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Green Thing #11 - Walking!

So about two months ago I started working at Carson's (for those of you in California who have never heard of a Carson's it is like a Macy's) and typically I would get a ride from my husband since we only have one car.  Our hours are no longer in sync so I have started walking.  We also have public transportation that would take me straight to my work but I would be on the bus for an hour and it takes less time than that to walk there. 

Luckily, my work is only a mile and a half away and it only takes about 20 minutes to walk it.  I do plan to take the bus if it is pouring down rain, which I have only had to do once. 

My husband and I have also started walking to church which is also a mile and a half away. 

The benefits from walking are amazing.  You will feel and look healthier.  It wakes me up so that I don't look like I am dragging to work.  It saves you gas money.  It reduces your "footprint".  If you start walking instead of using a treadmill, you will also save energy (which also saves you money). 

Walking is definitely a win/win; the only downfall is that you do have to plan ahead...but if you're green, that should come naturally!