Monday, December 26, 2011

The downside of being Green...

When I started this blog I had promised to be completely honest about any problems I might find with being 'Green'.  I expected a lot more challenges then what I have actually found, but the biggest challenge was the least expected. 

For Christmas I received many wonderful items, most of them were needed and/or 'Green'.  So that was not a problem.  Both my mom and mother-in-law sent me wonderful gifts that were very 'Green'.  I got lots of yarn and I am so excited to use it and I won't have to buy yarn for awhile, which keeps more green in my pocket =). 

The biggest problem I found that we had was, of all things, with Wal-Mart gift cards.  Greg and I decided not to use them all on just food, we thought we should get something nice for ourselves.  So we walked through Wal-Mart and every signal item we came across we would look at it and say, 'No, I don't really need it', 'Waste of space', 'I could find a used one at Goodwill or online', 'I could make one' and so on....

We did not buy a thing that night.  I don't know when this all started because a few years ago I was able to blow through gift cards in no time.  I wonder...has this has happened to anyone else, and how have you handled it?  The best idea we could come up with was using Wal-Mart gift cards to buy gift cards to other places where there were things we did need/want/could use...but that almost makes us feel, oh, I don't know...evil?

Monday, December 19, 2011

Green Thing #11 - Walking!

So about two months ago I started working at Carson's (for those of you in California who have never heard of a Carson's it is like a Macy's) and typically I would get a ride from my husband since we only have one car.  Our hours are no longer in sync so I have started walking.  We also have public transportation that would take me straight to my work but I would be on the bus for an hour and it takes less time than that to walk there. 

Luckily, my work is only a mile and a half away and it only takes about 20 minutes to walk it.  I do plan to take the bus if it is pouring down rain, which I have only had to do once. 

My husband and I have also started walking to church which is also a mile and a half away. 

The benefits from walking are amazing.  You will feel and look healthier.  It wakes me up so that I don't look like I am dragging to work.  It saves you gas money.  It reduces your "footprint".  If you start walking instead of using a treadmill, you will also save energy (which also saves you money). 

Walking is definitely a win/win; the only downfall is that you do have to plan ahead...but if you're green, that should come naturally!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All-Purpose Cleaner.

Green thing #10-

Making an All-Purpose cleaner is easier then I thought.  All you need is a spray bottle (an old Windex bottle would work, or the spray bottles in the dollar section of Target), vinegar, and water.  Fill half the bottle with water and half the bottle with vinegar. Done.

Too easy!

There is other ways to make it if you want to be harder on yourself.  I personally like to add freshly squeezed lemon juice because it makes it smell good and helps clean. 

I use this on my counters, tub, kitchen/bathroom floor, sinks, toilet, stove, fridge and pretty much anything in the kitchen.  It works just as good, if not better, then any store bought product.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Green Thing #9 Making things! (Part 2)

If you buy the Swiffer Sweeper Wet Refills you will spend about 50 cents each (if you shop at Sam's Club).  If you only use one a week, you will spend about $25 in a year.  The bigger your house, the more often you use it, the more you spend. It can add up fast!  Also you have to consider the implications it has on the environment.  I am not sure what cleansers they use or the amount that goes in the landfills, but I don't want to add to the problem.

To be a part of the solution and to save some green, I have started making swiffer sweeper cloths.  My mom, who is not green at all, even loves them.

I crochet my swiffer cloths without a pattern but here is a website that has patterns for knitting, sewing or crochet if you need one.

All I did for my mom's and mine was...
1.  Measure the swiffer. Plan for an extra inch because cotton shrinks.
2.  F hook and Cotton yarn (Number 4) found at Wal-Mart.
3. 54 ch. to equal 13 inches.
4. I use half double Crochet stitch (or hdc) through both loops
5. Continue until it is about 6 inches wide.
6. I put velcro on mine to keep it secure.

If you do not crochet, knit, or sew you can buy them online.  If you Google "swiffer sweeper reusable" you will see a ton of options.  Or you can talk to me ;)

The only downside to using reusable swiffers is you have to take some time to make them or plan ahead because they are not sold in stores.

My next post will be on floor cleansers since I did not cover that here:)
Thanks for reading!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Making things is green too!

Green thing #8- Making Stuff!

Greg and I both like to make our own stuff and presents for others.  I am currently making dish clothes.  If you know how to knit or crochet they are super easy and fast. 

But don't forget to buy yarn that is locally grown cotton (at least in the USA), and it is more green if it is organic, non bleached and non dyed.  This is a little harder to find but it is out there.  You can also buy the material or the finished product from green websites. I do not use a pattern for my rags since it is just a square or rectangle. 

These also make great gifts.  With Christmas right around the corner this is perfect when you don't have the money but still want to show someone that you care. 

Remember... Use these instead of paper towels =)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cloth Napkins

Green Thing #7- Cloth Napkins

I know I already wrote about paper towels, however I believe napkins deserve a post of their own. This is the first green step I took after Greg and I got married.  People had bought us so many cloth napkins that we decided we did not need to waste our money on paper.  They are easy to use, clean, and require almost no effort.  Since I do not use bleach (I will explain that in another blog), I have learned to use black or darker colored napkins when we have messy foods such as BBQ sause, ketchup, and basically anything red, or with potential to stain.
For the ones that DO get stained, I don't throw them away because that is not green at all, they still work just fine.  I simply don't use them when we have company.

Don't forget to hang dry your napkins with the rest of your clothes.  =)

If you are a crafty person, you can make your own napkins-

"A family of four can save $130 annually by switching from paper napkins to reusable napkins, according to Sierra Club."

Tag Easter Floral Napkins - Set of 8VS. Vanity Fair Everyday Premium Napkins, 100 ct 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Green Thing #6- Hiking :)

I took a hike yesterday.  My camera was the only thing that took energy (it has rechargeable batteries), but my camera takes up little compared to a TV or laptop.  I did this while Greg was working so I did not have to drive extra since he works at a camp ground.  I also got some amazing pictures out of the deal, and got some exercise without using a machine.  Very green day!  Now I have to go hang dry my laundry =)



Thursday, October 13, 2011

Green Thing #5- Books!

Greg and I love to read.  We don't even have cable...and why would we, when books are so much better?!  Unfortunately, a steady reading habit isn't the most green thing in the world.  Books have to be printed, bound, shipped, and sold, so each book has a fairly big ecological footprint (see here:

So what we did today was we went to our local library, which was having a used book sale.  Not only did we get about a dozen USED books (nothing new printed!), we got them for cheap, and a few of them will even be used for decorations, instead of heading to the landfill.

Some other things you can do are:
1.  Buy books at yard sales, thrift stores, etc.
2. Use the library (borrow books) and look for used book sales.
3. Share/trade books with others


Monday, October 10, 2011

Green Thing #4-Reusable cup with a lid and straw.

I know I should not go to fast food, but it is convenient since Greg and I are in an unending process of moving.  So one way I have been able to stay green during this move is to take my own cup with me everywhere. 
The only downside is I do forget it sometimes and I can't go all the way home to get it, because that would be wasting gas and that's not very green either.  The other downside is you have to wash it, but that is a small price to pay to keep it out of the landfill.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Green Thing #3- Stovetop cleaner

Have you ever read the back label of a bottle of stove top cleaner?  The warnings are enough to make me stay away.  This is the first green thing I replaced in my cleaning products because they seem to be more harmful on the environment than any other cleanser I use.

I now use vinegar on the stovetop.  It is not necessary to mix anything with it, I actually pour it straight from the bottle now but I used to put it in a spray bottle; either way works.  I have found that vinegar works better than normal stovetop cleaner because it does just as good of a job and I don’t have to wait 20 minutes for it to start cleaning.  I also don’t have to wear gloves, which I am allergic to anyways.  And, of course, vinegar is super cheap.

The downside?
…I've got nothing!

EASY-OFF® Product Solutions Finder

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dryer vs. Hang Dry

Green Thing #2-
I have been hanging all my clothes to dry for about 4 years.  I live in an apartment and every cycle costs $1 to dry.  I wash about 2-3 loads a week and if I dried those clothes in the dryer it would cost me $104-156 per year.  I do not plan to live in these apartments forever so when I do move into a house I will only buy a washer.  The cost of a nice quality dryer cost $700+, so right off the bat I will save that much money.  I am not sure how much it costs in electricity, but I will be cutting down on that bill too.

The downside is that it is time consuming.  I probably spend 15-20 minutes extra per load.  To save time I have learned a few tricks.

  • If it is something I hang-up I put it on a hanger to dry, unless it needs to be flat to dry or is a pair of jeans.
  • I take the clothes out of the washer immediately so that they do not wrinkle.  If they stay in the washer I end up ironing and then it is a waste of time and electricity.
  • This may sound gross, but if it is not dirty, don’t wash it.  I used to wash my sweaters after each time I wore it even if I did not wear it for long.  Also, I would wear my nicer clothes to go to church or special occasions for just a few hours, those clothes are not really dirty in less you sweat, spill or forget to wear deodorant.  This not only cuts down on laundry but it also saves your clothes, because the washer and dryer put a lot of wear and tear on them.

Another downside is it takes longer to dry.  If you are planning to wash something in the evening and wear it the next morning, you won’t be able to.  I don’t have problem with this anymore because I have learned to plan ahead.  The first few months were the hardest.

The easiest way to hang dry clothes is buying or making a clothing rack for inside so that you can use it all year long rain or shine.  I have had some cheap ones that break after a few months of using.  The best ones will run about $20-50, but they last a really long time. The small one I use is perfect for an apartment and is only $13.99 from Target.

Target Hom Compact Clothes Drying Rack White

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have been "going green" for a few years now, but now I would like to start sharing my experiences.  I would like to start by saying, I am not a hippy, crazy PETA person (I don't even know what it stands for, Greg always says "People Eating Tasty Animals"), or any other organization for that matter.  I am just a person who has many allergies and cares about the green earth that God in trusted to us. 

I am going to try and add one green thing a day, and tell of my experience on the matter.  I will only add things that I have tried and tell you if I think it is worth the time.

Green Thing #1-

No more paper towels!  Cloth towels work exactly the same if not better then a paper towel, and since rags are so small I have not noticed an increase in my laundry.

I have also saved a lot of money by  using rags. Paper towels are around $1.50-2 dollars per roll and if you use one a week you will spend at minimum about $75 per year. Let's be honest here, most people who use paper towels will use more then one a week so it will be more like $200+. If a person is using two+ rolls per week, from the age of 21-80 they will spend $11,800+ in their life time. Um... I am done using paper towels for good!

What does this do for the environment?  This of course is a no brainer... Save trees.  Also less will go to landfills and less pollution from the manufactures and shipping of paper towels.

Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, 12 Roll countVS.