Thursday, November 17, 2011

All-Purpose Cleaner.

Green thing #10-

Making an All-Purpose cleaner is easier then I thought.  All you need is a spray bottle (an old Windex bottle would work, or the spray bottles in the dollar section of Target), vinegar, and water.  Fill half the bottle with water and half the bottle with vinegar. Done.

Too easy!

There is other ways to make it if you want to be harder on yourself.  I personally like to add freshly squeezed lemon juice because it makes it smell good and helps clean. 

I use this on my counters, tub, kitchen/bathroom floor, sinks, toilet, stove, fridge and pretty much anything in the kitchen.  It works just as good, if not better, then any store bought product.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree. I love vinegar! I have a similar post on my blog. Thanks for sharing!
