Saturday, January 28, 2012


Before reaserching what plastic really is, I had no idea what the problem really was with using plastic.  I have learned a lot the past few weeks and the more I learn the less plastic I buy. 

The first and most obvious problem with plastic is that it does not break down.  I have heard that it takes plastic a long time to break down but plastic has only been around for a very short time so no one know first hand how long it takes to break down.  I found many interesting articles, but this was my favorite:

When plastics do break down they have negative affects on the environment.  I read what National Geographic had to say and it worried me. Please read:

Burning plastics is also dangerous and illegal (didn't know about the law until I started doing research).  It can realease harmful fumes. Please read:

It is believed that plastic can cause breast cancer from leaching.

I have read and read, and there are more reasons...none of which are good.  I know it is hard to imagne life without plastic because it is everywhere (including the keyboard that I am typing on right now), but it is possible to be smart about the plastic we use and to use much less of it.  I am obviously not going to get rid of all plastic I own or I would not be able to use a computer or talk on the phone, but I do plan to choose an alternative to "disposable" plastic. I do not buy or use bottled water, T.V. dinners, "disposable" grocery bags, etc.

I also stopped using plastic for my food.  I now use stainless steel, cast iron, glass, bamboo, etc.  I no longer have plastic cups, bowls, storage containers, measuring cups...I could go on for days on how plastic has taken over the modern kitchen.  Not mine anymore.

Other rooms are affected by it too.  I am not going to throw every plastic item away, but when I need new items, I plan to buy something other then plastic when possible.

Thanks Kalie, for the idea to stop using plastic.  It is easier then I thought it would be!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Respecting God's Creation

Today I am reminded why I am "going green".  My husband, Greg, is a Falconer. He got a beautiful Red Tail Hawk today that we named Whitney.  I know many people would think it is not very Green to take her out of the wild but I believe differently and I think most people would agree if they understood why. 

Here are my reasons-
1. One in three hawks die their first winter, taking her out of the wild gives another hawk a chance to live.
2. Greg uses her as an educational tool to teach others why we need to leave land for the animals. If there is no land, they cannot hunt and since birds of prey are territorial only so many can coexist in one area.
3. Greg, and other falconers, do not let them lose their instincts. They still hunt and can be released back into the wild at anytime.
4. I have a better understanding of these beautiful birds and am only going to do Green things that will not harm them.  That's right, Green people are killing them and don't even know it.

Here is an article on how windmills are killing birds of prey, and other birds too. Robert Bryce says, "A July 2008 study of the wind farm at Altamont Pass, Calif., estimated that its turbines kill an average of 80 golden eagles per year." 

If we did not get Whitney (and Mia, Greg's first bird that is back in the wild) I would have never realized the impact windmills had on birds of prey. 

Please look closely at the changes you are making in your lives (Green or not) to see if it is in fact better for the future.

Whitney and Maia

Friday, January 13, 2012

An easy change!

Green thing #12- Don't circle parking lots!

This is one of the easiest changes you can make.  Instead of circling the parking lot to find a parking spot up front, take the first one you see.  If you see an empty one in the front, by all means, go for it.  Since most of us are not like my dad or Greg's grandfather and always find ones in the front right away, then just park in the back. 

Why? Here's why...
-When you sit idle you are wasting gas. 0 miles to the gallon.  Ouch!
-If you are moving and not "idle" you are still wasting gas.  One time may not seem that bad but put them all together and you can save (or waste) a lot of gas.  If you circle a parking lot about 5 minutes a week, that's more then 4 hours of circling a year. 
-If you park near the back you will get more exercise!  I know this does not excite a lot of people, but it is a way of getting steps into your day without using a treadmill (which will waste more energy). 

I have been practicing this for a few years and it just comes naturally now.  Being "green" can be expensive, so if you are looking for a way to go green without loosing green, this is a great place to start!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Resolution!

My new years resolution is to research and practice one new "Green" thing a month.  I am "Green" in many ways but I know there is always room for improvement.  I also need to remember to do certain things that I always forget like... Take the reusable bags shopping with me, or my reusable cup.

The first thing I would like to research is Glass vs. Plastic.  I have heard people talking about it and I would like to research it myself before I invest into buy glass containers. 

Has anyone else gone to glass?  Is anyone going to make a Green new years resolution?  Let me know!