Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I have been "going green" for a few years now, but now I would like to start sharing my experiences.  I would like to start by saying, I am not a hippy, crazy PETA person (I don't even know what it stands for, Greg always says "People Eating Tasty Animals"), or any other organization for that matter.  I am just a person who has many allergies and cares about the green earth that God in trusted to us. 

I am going to try and add one green thing a day, and tell of my experience on the matter.  I will only add things that I have tried and tell you if I think it is worth the time.

Green Thing #1-

No more paper towels!  Cloth towels work exactly the same if not better then a paper towel, and since rags are so small I have not noticed an increase in my laundry.

I have also saved a lot of money by  using rags. Paper towels are around $1.50-2 dollars per roll and if you use one a week you will spend at minimum about $75 per year. Let's be honest here, most people who use paper towels will use more then one a week so it will be more like $200+. If a person is using two+ rolls per week, from the age of 21-80 they will spend $11,800+ in their life time. Um... I am done using paper towels for good!

What does this do for the environment?  This of course is a no brainer... Save trees.  Also less will go to landfills and less pollution from the manufactures and shipping of paper towels.

Bounty Select-A-Size Paper Towels, 12 Roll countVS.

1 comment:

  1. Good idea for a blog! I'm excited to see what you post every day. Josh and I stopped buying paper towels about a year ago and it hasn't made our life any harder. Yay for going green!
