Monday, December 26, 2011

The downside of being Green...

When I started this blog I had promised to be completely honest about any problems I might find with being 'Green'.  I expected a lot more challenges then what I have actually found, but the biggest challenge was the least expected. 

For Christmas I received many wonderful items, most of them were needed and/or 'Green'.  So that was not a problem.  Both my mom and mother-in-law sent me wonderful gifts that were very 'Green'.  I got lots of yarn and I am so excited to use it and I won't have to buy yarn for awhile, which keeps more green in my pocket =). 

The biggest problem I found that we had was, of all things, with Wal-Mart gift cards.  Greg and I decided not to use them all on just food, we thought we should get something nice for ourselves.  So we walked through Wal-Mart and every signal item we came across we would look at it and say, 'No, I don't really need it', 'Waste of space', 'I could find a used one at Goodwill or online', 'I could make one' and so on....

We did not buy a thing that night.  I don't know when this all started because a few years ago I was able to blow through gift cards in no time.  I wonder...has this has happened to anyone else, and how have you handled it?  The best idea we could come up with was using Wal-Mart gift cards to buy gift cards to other places where there were things we did need/want/could use...but that almost makes us feel, oh, I don't know...evil?

1 comment:

  1. You make very good points Dartha. I have had that happen to me also. I always end up spending it on everyday stuff i need, rather than buying myself something nice or splurging on something i can enjoy in the here and now. All tho i am sure the gift giver can care less how you use it as long and it makes you happy. Using it on every day stuff doesn't really make me happy per say but does relieve stress and that is always a plus. "Thanks for your awesome blogs and being honest." PS. Being green mean recycling a lot. How do you keep up with moving all the recyclables out? I try to recycle but every thing seem to start piling up out of control and I con-tinplate just throwing it away.
